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NJMAA Breaking Championships

NJMAA Breaking Divisions consist of 3 wood divisions and 3 concrete divisions.  All breaking will take place starting at 5pm on June 3rd. Pee Wee breaking will take place on Sunday after the 5 years and under divisions.

Wood Breaking Divisions 

Power Arm Wood - the competitor will set up the wood horizontally, breaking with any part of the arm. Each board will be spaced (spacers will be supplied)

Un-spaced Wood Arm - the competitor will set up the wood horizontally, to be broken with a strike using any part of the arm. 

Concrete Breaking Divisions - teens & adults

Concrete Power Elbow - the competitor will set up concrete spaced pavers horizontally, to be broken with an elbow strike. Competitors may use any part of the arm between the shoulder and the wrist.

Concrete Power Hand - the competitor will set up concrete spaced pavers horizontally, to be broken with a hand strike. Competitors may use any part of the wrist or hand, must be below the forearm. 

Concrete Power Kick - a breaker favorite. Spaced pavers will be set vertically on a cinder block wall.  All kicks are acceptable. 

Materials and Setup

All materials to be broken at the event must be purchased through the event. Material should be purchased during the registration process. *Exception is Pee Wee breaking, will include boards and stands (ages up to 5 years old).

Spacers -  will be standard carpenter pencils

Honest and Fair - we provide the material to ensure the competitors are all attempting equal and standardized material.  In addition any tampering with the material prior to set up will result in a disqualification.  

Horizontal Arrangement - the  competitor will set the break on cinderblocks or pavers (called stands). The stands may be arranged in any fashion underneath the break.

Concrete Kick Wall - a wall built of cinderblocks and pavers will be set by judges and assistants prior to competitors setting up their break.

Competition Board sizes:
Adult (18+)      10"  x 12" x 1"
Teen  (13+)      8" x 12" x 1"
Junior (8 - 12)  6"  x 12" x 1"
Ages 5 - 7         6" x 12" x 1/2"
PeeWee            demo board
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